Make Sure You’re Protected on Your Motorcycle!

A motorcyclist is much more unprotected than those in four wheeled vehicles, you have no seat belts, no exterior barriers and no airbags, therefore the majority of your protection must be worn. It is very important to ensure that you wear the correct equipment as motorcycle protection and you can see examples at Revzilla of what exactly is needed to keep you safe.
Much more is needed than just a helmet, with your limbs being exposed these can take a lot of the impact if you are to be involved in a road traffic accident and so they need to be protected with things such as ‘limb tubes’ and guards. The importance of this shouldn’t be overlooked with limb injuries causing some of the longest running difficulties to an individual.

Over 50% of motorcyclists who are involved in an accident will injure their feet and ankles, correct impact protection for your ankle and heel is imperative. Broken bones in your feet can take a long time to heal and cause much agony, as well as torn ligaments and damaged muscle. Over 80% of motorcyclists who are injured will have a range of injuries occur to their legs, the correct boots can reduce this dramatically. Looking at companies who specialise in motorcycle boots is a more advisable alternative to simply buying boots online or from departments store. Companies such as –Altberg will kit you out with made to measure boots that will be hugely beneficial for your motorcycle protection. Unlike other clothing designed for motorcycle protection such as helmets, guards and gloves which come in standard sizes having your boots made to measure by a specialist will guarantee those boots are of the safest standard that they possibly could be.

Once you have passed your motorcycle-driving test you are considered safe to drive your vehicle. But there are many things, which are out of your control such as the weather, other drivers and road conditions, and so you must always be aware that nothing will prevent an accident occurring but doing your utmost to avoid one is of the essence. If the weather is terrifically bad consider whether it is worth the risk to go out, if there’s a road with a particularly bad surface then find an alternative route and never allow distractions to take your eye off the road. However if you do find yourself injured there are people out there such as motorcycle injury specialists at Express Motorbike Solicitors who can help you with a compensation claim, on a No Win No Fee basis.